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New York, New York - The Big Apple - The City that Never Sleeps. Send flowers to all five boroughs: Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, the Bronx and Staten Island. From Greenwich Village to Flushing, 1800Flowers offers same-day delivery across the New York metropolitan region.

Best Selling Flowers

Product - Fields of Europe® for Spring

Fields of Europe® for Spring

Product - Floral Embrace™

Floral Embrace™

Product - Assorted Tulip Bouquet

Assorted Tulip Bouquet

Product - Spring Sentiment™ Bouquet

Spring Sentiment™ Bouquet

Product - Lovely Lavender Medley™

Lovely Lavender Medley™

Product - Daydream Bouquet™

Daydream Bouquet™

Product - Precious Peony Bouquet

Precious Peony Bouquet

Product - Honey Bee Buzz™ for Spring

Honey Bee Buzz™ for Spring

Product - Fields of Europe® for Spring & Drizzled Strawberries

Fields of Europe® for Spring & Drizzled Strawberries

Product - Wonderful Wishes Bouquet™

Wonderful Wishes Bouquet™

Product - Magnificent Roses® Preserved Roses

Magnificent Roses® Preserved Roses

Product - Two Dozen Red Roses

Two Dozen Red Roses

See all Best Selling Flowers >

Same Day Flower Delivery

Product - Honey Bee Buzz™ for Spring

Honey Bee Buzz™ for Spring

Product - Floral Embrace™

Floral Embrace™

Product - Fields of Europe® for Spring

Fields of Europe® for Spring

Product - Designer Dreams™ Bouquet

Designer Dreams™ Bouquet

Product - Daydream Bouquet™

Daydream Bouquet™

Product - Nature's Charm™

Nature's Charm™

Product - Lovely Lavender Medley™

Lovely Lavender Medley™

Product - Spring Sentiment™ Bouquet

Spring Sentiment™ Bouquet

Product - Sweet Pineapple Treat™ Fruit Arrangement

Sweet Pineapple Treat™ Fruit Arrangement

Product - Always On My Mind™ Flower Bouquet

Always On My Mind™ Flower Bouquet

Product - Wonderful Wishes Bouquet™

Wonderful Wishes Bouquet™

Product - Vibrant Floral Medley™

Vibrant Floral Medley™

See all Same Day Flower Delivery >

Local New York Florists

Visit our florist in Astoria, Queens to send flowers & gifts 365 days a year! Serving Astoria, Long Island City and the surrounding areas, our Astoria shop is dedicated to delivering the freshest, highest quality gifts to your loved ones.

Your Red Roses in the Bronx at E. 138th St & Willis Ave delivers smiles to the Bronx and New York City areas. With same-day flower delivery and unique gifts, this local florist has the perfect gift for all occasions.

Stop by our Brooklyn florist at 87th St & 86th St. to shop for fresh flower bouquets, gourmet gift baskets, fruit baskets & more. Not in the NY area? Don't worry! Order online to send flowers to that special someone in the Brooklyn area straight from our local florist!

Studio Arts in Forest Hills is located at Austin St & Continental Ave. Our florists love their customers and make sure that every arrangement and gift lives up to the recipients' standards. Our freshness and satisfaction guarantee assures you that your special someone will love your thoughtful gift.

Flowers by Nonna in Ridgewood, NY has friendly and fast service to all of Queens. From Sweet 16's to Weddings & more, this florist can fulfill all of your flower & gifting needs!

Park Place Florist in Woodhaven has been serving customers since 1979. Family owned & operated for over 30 years, these florists know how to create the perfect arrangement or gift for the special person in your life!

Flowers & Gifts Delivered by New York City Florists

Send flowers to New York sports fans to celebrate a big win! Think blue and orange for the Knicks (basketball), Islanders (hockey) and Mets (baseball). Go green for the Jets (football), blue and white for the Yankees (baseball), and red, white and blue for the Giants (football).

New York Flowers & Plants

  1. The New York State Flower is the Rose
  2. There are more than one million living flowers and plants at the New York Botanical Garden, a sprawling 250-acre garden complex located in the Bronx. Special annual exhibits include the Holiday Train Show, Orchid Show and Fall Festival. The smaller, 52-acre Brooklyn Botanic Garden in Prospect Park is known for its blooming cherry trees, bonsai museum and native flora garden.
  3. Visit one of New York City's 1700 unique parks. Start with some of the city's most famous green spaces: Central Park, Prospect Park, Flushing Meadows-Corona Park, the High Line, Hudson River Park and Pelham Bay Park.

Local New York Florists

Visit our florist in Astoria, Queens to send flowers & gifts 365 days a year! Serving Astoria, Long Island City and the surrounding areas, our Astoria shop is dedicated to delivering the freshest, highest quality gifts to your loved ones.

Your Red Roses in the Bronx at E. 138th St & Willis Ave delivers smiles to the Bronx and New York City areas. With same-day flower delivery and unique gifts, this local florist has the perfect gift for all occasions.

Stop by our Brooklyn florist at 87th St & 86th St. to shop for fresh flower bouquets, gourmet gift baskets, fruit baskets & more. Not in the NY area? Don't worry! Order online to send flowers to that special someone in the Brooklyn area straight from our local florist!

Studio Arts in Forest Hills is located at Austin St & Continental Ave. Our florists love their customers and make sure that every arrangement and gift lives up to the recipients' standards. Our freshness and satisfaction guarantee assures you that your special someone will love your thoughtful gift.

Flowers by Nonna in Ridgewood, NY has friendly and fast service to all of Queens. From Sweet 16's to Weddings & more, this florist can fulfill all of your flower & gifting needs!

Park Place Florist in Woodhaven has been serving customers since 1979. Family owned & operated for over 30 years, these florists know how to create the perfect arrangement or gift for the special person in your life!

Flowers & Gifts Delivered by New York City Florists

Send flowers to New York sports fans to celebrate a big win! Think blue and orange for the Knicks (basketball), Islanders (hockey) and Mets (baseball). Go green for the Jets (football), blue and white for the Yankees (baseball), and red, white and blue for the Giants (football).

New York Flowers & Plants

  1. The New York State Flower is the Rose
  2. There are more than one million living flowers and plants at the New York Botanical Garden, a sprawling 250-acre garden complex located in the Bronx. Special annual exhibits include the Holiday Train Show, Orchid Show and Fall Festival. The smaller, 52-acre Brooklyn Botanic Garden in Prospect Park is known for its blooming cherry trees, bonsai museum and native flora garden.
  3. Visit one of New York City's 1700 unique parks. Start with some of the city's most famous green spaces: Central Park, Prospect Park, Flushing Meadows-Corona Park, the High Line, Hudson River Park and Pelham Bay Park.